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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blacklist SideProject

Not because of fatigue or boredom, but I just want to pour my hobby in music with my friends in a new band. Kei in Guitar, Arief(my brother) in bass & me in Drum we try to bring the songs Blink182, Ellegarden, and other bands that same music genre.
we call ourselves SARU-garden! xDD 'SARU' means monkey in japanese language ahaha...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Crover Sound #2

Music performances to welcome the day "Sumpah Pemuda"
We're trying to give a shot,for our second live performance!
Location Lap. swadaya Rt 001/03 Keroncong permai-Jatiuwung

Sunday, October 24 · 1:00pm - 11:00pm

Monday, October 11, 2010

Blacklist Demo!

Finally on 10 October 2010 at 10 pm, we managed to make a demo cd! The result was satisfactory, although there are errors in the making but we are quite satisfied :P
Please download for free!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Problem. . .

Now we have a problem with one of our personnel, Our bassist "Robby" was not able to work with us again because he really doesn't focus on the band. He always missed the practice with simple reason...
This year target we must have a recorded songs... we don't give up, even just 2 members we still have any progress to do that!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Our Plan

You must be wondering, you who have visited this blog would ask "is a band right?, so where we can hear your song?" Sorry about that, we can't right now.
Our plan this year trying to make a record, or maybe a minialbum. I'll try my best!!


I just have some dream in "Blacklist" I want my music to be heard by the crowd, because I pour all my feelings into my songs. This really makes my soul very excited musically, great opportunity to continue working for other people who listen.


"Blacklist" formed in late 2008, then we(Andri, Thiur, & Roby) began to bring an atmosphere inspired by various other famous Rock-Punk Band Just Like Blink182, Ellegarden, Sum41 Etc. We're trying to bring some genre Rock-pop-Punk, with lyrics in English and Indonesian, with the aim of our music can be accepted either inside or outside the country. Yosh!!